1….The Oro Agricultural Society’s membership fee is $10.00, (including HST). A $1.00 surcharge will apply if paying by credit card. This membership entitles the member to all privileges of the Society, including admission to the fairgrounds, and exhibiting in the Oro World’s Fair. Entries in the Junior Fair and 4H Club Achievement Day Programs are exempted. Each Exhibitor must have their own exhibitors number.

2….Successful competitors shall leave in the hands of the Treasurer $10.00 (including HST) for their 2024 membership if purse is $10.00 or over. Individuals wishing to purchase a membership must do so by September 1st for those not exhibiting. All prize money cheques will be mailed by November 1, 2023.

3….Exhibitors showing livestock and machinery must have a minimum of $500,000 liability insurance. Exhibitors will be required to sign a waiver in some classes.

4….All animals must be on the grounds by 10:00 am on the day they are to be shown, all to be entered before 11:00 am and no article or animal to be removed from the pens or stables until 4:30 pm except by special permission of the President. All animals are to have current rabies vaccination and carry proof of same.
Please Note: If a prize animal is removed contrary to this rule the premium will be forfeited.

5….The Marion Vernon Building and Presidents Building shall be open to receive exhibits Thursday, Sept. 13th from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Baking and Crafts, Vegetables, Grains and Maple Syrup will be exhibited in the Marion Vernon Building. Junior Fair & School Fair, in the Presidents Building. Flowers will be in the Community Building.
Judging of exhibits will begin at 7:00 pm the same evening.

PLEASE NOTE: The School Fair is a separate event. Exhibits from Oro-Medonte school children will be received in the President’s building on Thursday Sept. 13th, from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm. Exhibits will be judged the following morning. A School Fair listing will be sent home with Oro-Medonte public school children in June. Additional copies will be available from Marion Jermey, 705 487-5822.

6….Each exhibitor, upon arriving at the grounds, must apply to the committee in charge of the department in which she or he proposes to exhibit, who will inform the exhibitor where the animals or articles are to be placed.

7….No exhibit may be removed until after 5 pm, Saturday, Sept. 14th, 2024. This rule will be strictly enforced. If any exhibit is removed contrary to this rule, prize money will be forfeited.

8….Every animal or article at any exhibition of this Association must be the actual bona fide property of the exhibitor; at the time the entry is made of such animal or article.

9….All Grain, Seed, Roots, Fruit, etc, must be the produce of 2024 and grown by the exhibitor. One sample from each farm of same species. Fresh vegetables & produce can be donated to the Barrie & Orillia Food Banks immediately following the close of the fair.

10…No animal or article shall be shown for more than one prize, except when specially mentioned in prize list.

11….All persons attending and being in or upon the grounds of the Oro Agricultural Society during the day of Exhibition are hereby notified and warned that above Society will not be responsible for any accident that may occur during the said day of Exhibition on the said grounds and premises, to persons, animals or personal property.
All persons attending the Fair and individual contests do so at their own risk. Any person driving or riding off the track on the said grounds will be held responsible for any damages that may be incurred by so doing, and is liable to be removed from the grounds.

12…No person shall be allowed to enter for competition more than one specimen of any section. This rule does not apply to animals, but to all kinds of grains, vegetables, fruit and manufactured articles.

13. All articles of domestic manufacture must be the work of the exhibitor, new and unused within one year, and not exhibited at this fair before.

14…No animal or article shall have about it the name of its owner, or any prize, colour or card until the awards have been made in their respective classes.

15…All exhibits shall be at the risk of the owner.

16…If any animal or article is entered in a class to which it does not belong, the judges may apply to the Directors and may have the same rectified before the prize is awarded.

17…No person will be allowed to act as judge in a class he is an exhibitor.

18…The judges are requested to withhold prizes from any animals or articles that are not in accordance with the rules, or which they do not deem worthy of a prize.

19…Any person who shall attempt to interfere with the judges while in the discharge of their duties, or who shall afterwards, on the premises of the Association, use any contemptuous or abusive language to any judge while in the discharge of his duties, or on Association grounds, shall be liable to expulsion from the grounds, shall forfeit his right to any premiums to which he might entitled, and shall be excluded from exhibiting for one year thereafter. Judges are requested to immediately report any breach of this rule.

20…In the event of an exhibitor, or competitor being dissatisfied on a ground other than that of the judges’ decision given by them, in awarding a prize or premium in any class in which he is a competitor or exhibitor, he shall be at liberty to protest against their decision, but such protest must be in writing stating shortly the ground for the objection, or protest, before the close of the exhibition, accompanied by a deposit of five dollars, which sum will be forfeited to the Association if the said protest is not sustained.

21…Any protest, in regard to prizes awarded, reported to the Secretary in accordance with Rule No. 18, shall be settled by the President and Vice Presidents, or any two of them. At once, their decision is to be final in all such cases.

22…In the event of any prize or prizes, premium or premiums being paid to any member, when by the rules and regulations under which the exhibition, show or match at which the same may be awarded, ought not to have been paid, the member shall and is hereby required on demand to him by the Secretary in writing (and a registered letter sent to the address of such a member shall be sufficient demand) to forthwith repay the Society such prize or premium.

23…Any member of the Society who shall be guilty of any fraud or fraudulent practice, if in connection with or in relation to, or upon or against the Society, shall forfeit all rights of membership and any prize or premium that may have been awarded to him and shall be excluded from all the benefits, rights and privileges appertaining to him as such member, and further shall be ineligible of again becoming a member thereof for three years.

24…In case of bad weather or any unforeseen circumstances this Society only binds itself to pay as much pro rate of the prize as is consistent with the receipts.

25…It shall be a condition of entry that the Society shall not be liable for any loss to any exhibitor occasioned by fire, accident, condition of structure, or the negligence of other exhibitors, or officials, or otherwise whatsoever.

26…In case of an error in the printing of the Prize List, the Directors have the power to rectify the same.